The Vulpin Adventure Wikia

"The ruins of a land once ruled Pharaoh Drakhbet, its oasis provide town with water, but the monster make it a dangerous place indeed."

Desert Ruins is one of the various locations that the player and their Vulpin can explore all across the world of Vulpin Adventure. It is the second area that the player has access to in the storyline.


Desert Ruins is, as suggested by their name, located in the desert. There are torches stuck into the sand on the ground (which can be investigated for items), and the background slowly gets darker and closer to nighttime as the player progresses.

In the first stage, the sky is a dark reddish-orange and there is mostly sand except for a giant skeletons of an unknown monster in the background and rugged-looking buildings and torches, giving it an abandoned village look.

In the second stage, the sky become more purple-pinkish, and there is an oasis surrounded by palm trees and plants. The skeleton are less prevalent, only appearing often in the background. At the end, there are big dark stones and a red flag giving a transition to the third stage.

On the third stage, it has turned into nighttime, and there are giant stone walls covering most of the background and torn down flags and polls. At the end of the stage, there is a giant white moon shining through the stone wall.




  • Desert Ruins and Darklight Castle are the only locations in the game where a day and night cycle is prevalent.